our services


Your health is important. WE HAVE A SUITE OF SERVICES TO Get your health back on track.


Belconnen Chiropractic


Chiropractors look at the structure and functional integrity of the human body, particularly the spine and pelvis and how abnormal use and function of the human body impacts the nervous system. Dysfunction can lead to various conditions such as head, neck and back pain, poor physical performance at work and sport, migraine headaches, dizziness and balance disorders etc. There is a vast array of treatment options depending on your needs, circumstances and condition, as found upon examination. There are three general areas of treatment concern. First is Diagnosis of your problem and when possible, treatment to reduce your symptoms. Second is Rehabilitation to address the cause of your problem, and improve the structural and functional integrity of your body. Thirdly is Prevention where we teach you how, when and how long to use your body within its functional capacity, to avoid recurrence of your symptoms and increased wear and tear on your body.

Belconnen Chiropractic Osteopathy


Osteopathy is similar to Chiropractic in that it looks at the structure and functional integrity of the human body including the spine and the nervous system. From a practical view point, Osteopaths have tended to use more muscle and tissue massage techniques prior to mobilisation and manipulation of joints with restricted movement, than some of the early chiropractic treatment approaches. This difference is less distinct in today’s practice.

Belconnen Chiropractic Sports Chiro

Sports Chiro

Sports Chiro is a branch of Chiropractic for practitioners who have undertaken further study in the area of sports science, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of sporting injuries both for the individual sports person or teams. In many cases, it requires an on-field presence in the assessment and management of the injured athlete, or contributing to the improvement of athletic performance. Another aspect of Sports Chiro is working with other health care professionals such as medical practitioners, surgeons, physiotherapists, massage therapists, exercise physiologists, psychologists, dietitians etc. Although the spine can be injured in the sporting arena, there is a strong tendency to peripheral joint and tissue injuries, affecting the jaw, shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee and ankle and well as recognition of mild traumatic brain injuries from concussion.

Belconnen Chiropractic Chiro Neuro Rehab

Chiro Neuro Rehab

Chiro Neuro Rehab is a branch of Chiropractic where practitioners have undertaken further study in neuroscience, treatment and rehabilitation of functional disorders of the nervous system. Modern neuroscience acknowledges the ability of the human nervous system to adapt (neuroplasticity and neurogenesis) to environmental change. Functional neuroscience for the Chiropractor, particularly in the area of the nervous system affecting balance and movement, may help in areas such as vertigo (BPPV), balance disorders, vestibular migraine and spinal rehabilitation for recurrent pain syndromes.

Belconnen Chiropractic Massage Therapies

Massage Therapies

Massage therapy can be used for relaxation, stress management, pain reduction, improved sleep and athletic performance. There are different forms of massage. Soft Effleurage for relaxation, lymphatic drainage, stress reduction and improved sleep. Deep Tissue Therapy for reduction of taut, painful, scarred muscles (trigger points) and other soft tissues such as muscle fascia and tendons. Transverse Friction is a point specific back and forth massage to reduce scar tissue in muscles, tendons and ligaments. The latter two therapies generally induce a sense of good hurt and some after stiffness or temporary pain aggravation. Massage therapy can be using in conjunction with Chiropractic Treatment.

Belconnen Chiropractic Dry Needling

Dry Needling

Dry needling is the use of fine acupuncture needles that are placed into areas of stubborn muscle tension or trigger points that may be resistant to massage therapy alone. It can be used in the treatment of sports injuries and stubborn muscle pain. Dry needling is complementary to Massage Therapy.

Belconnen Chiropractic Exercise Rehab

Exercise Rehabilitation

There are many forms of Exercise Rehabilitation starting from low grade home based programmes up to a full rehabilitation programme, for instance, at a gym. It all depends on your needs, circumstances, motivation, time and money. We will assess you for muscle imbalance in terms of length and strength, locate lazy or overused muscles. In some cases we will need to re-programme the way your brain controls how your muscles work in concert with each other (faulty muscle recruitment patterns) with Sensory-Motor retraining. Strengthening a weak muscle alone is important but does not ensure that the muscle works correctly witinin a team of muscles . It is important to correct real time functional motion habits to reduce stress and strain to injured joints and muscles pertinent to your activities of daily living, work, sport or recreation.

Belconnen Chiropractic Stretching

Stretching and Movement

Stretching and Movement can be used to stretch tight muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints that may be contributing to your pain or loss of performance at work, sport or recreation. There are varying types of stretching from static to dynamic. Novel movement patterns may be used to breakdown learnt muscle tension habits gained by long term repetitious actions. Examples of Novel Movement patterns would be Tai Chi, Yoga, Feldenkrais.

Belconnen Chiropractic Posture correction

Posture Correction

Posture correction is particularly important for everyone in today’s sedentary society, with the use of phones, computers and cars. This is especially so for growing children, students and office workers. Assessing for poor static posture and dynamic movement habits may then be addressed by sensory motor retraining and a balanced strength and stretching routine. Ergonomic advice should also be addressed.

Belconnen Chiropractic Meditation

Meditation and Breathing

In today’s fast paced, hectic and stressful society, relaxation of the nervous system and tight muscles may be helped by mindfulness meditation and breathing correction.

Belconnen Chiropractic Gaite Analysis

Gait Analysis

Static and dynamic assessment of how you stand, walk and run may help foot and ankle pain, spinal pelvic balance, lower back pain and your athletic performance.

Belconnen Chiropractic Orthotics

Custom Foot Orthotics 

Following a Gait Analysis, custom-made foot orthotics can be made and be placed in your shoes to reduce abnormal foot and ankle biomechanics. This can help in some foot, ankle, hip and lower back pains, and help with some balance disorders.

Balance Training

Balance Training

Loss of balance can affect people particularly in the later years of their life or after head trauma, stroke, or brain surgery. Balance training may be able to restore some of that lost function and improve your confidence to remain active and healthy.

Belconnen Chiropractic Vestibular Rehab

Vestibular Rehabilitation

The Vestibular system found in your inner ear space is important to maintain your upright sense of balance, and to inform you of changes in direction of your head and body while keeping your eyes focused on a target so that you can see clearly or read whilst walking. The vestibular system is intimately related to your eyes and neck neurologically and to your brain’s motion sickness centres. Treatment of the spine, particularly the neck muscles and joint receptor nerves, along with eye and canal motion exercises, may be helpful in some cases of vertigo and loss of balance. In addition, vertigo from BPPV can be treated in clinic or by home based canal repositioning exercises.